Tuesday 23 August 2016

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Wednesday 3 August 2016

Pregnancy and Oral Health
In pregnancy there are a lot of physiological changes which are occuring.The emphasis on oral health care during pregnancy and guidance on oral health care should be provided to the patients.All women of child bearing age should be educated about the importance of  oral hygiene during pregnancy.They should have regular dental check up.The treatment such as restorative,preventive can be carried out during pregnancy.Oral health history should be taken from the patient.History of bleeding gums,tooth ache,dental caries,mucosal lesions,signs of infection such as presence of  pus discharge, fistula should be taken.During their treatment on dental chair the position of the patient should be semi recline.Keep patients head at a higher level than feet.If feeling dizzy ,the patient should be turned on left lateral position or  can keep a pillow below the right hip .The pregnant women are encouraged to maintain oral hygiene, eat healthy diet and have regular oral check up. In diet they should eat a variety of healthy food such as fruits,dairy products,cereals,fish ,meat, eggs etc.Food rich in sugar such as candies,cookies, fruit juices,cakes should be avoided.The food should be eaten in small amount and at short intervals.

Local anaesthesia,analgesics,antibiotics can be taken during this period.There are few medication which are not to be taken during pregnancy. Local anaesthesia with epinephrine may be used during pregnancy Antibiotics such as Amoxicillin,Cephalosporin,Clindamycin may be used during pregnancy. Tetracyclines are contraindicated during pregnancy.Few analgesic which may be used during pregnancy are   Acetaminophen,Codeine,Meperidine,Morphine.Aspirin,Ibuprofen,Naproxen are avoided in first and third trimester.#‎dentist‬ ‪#‎dental‬ ‪#‎Scaling‬‪#‎Toothextraction‬ ‪#‎Rootcanal‬ ‪#‎DentalChain‬ ‪#‎DentalClinics‬ ‪#‎botox‬‪#‎dentaltreatment‬ ‪#‎toothpain‬ ‪#‎teeth‬ ‪#‎pain‬

Thursday 28 July 2016

Care of elderly patients .

  • Elderly  patients are those patients who are over 65 years of age. With advancement in health  science, elder people have a chance of living longer. Since most of the elderly people seek dental  care in the form  of oral rehabilitation. As we age, there are variations  in the physiological parameters. There is  decline in  our physiological function. Sometimes ageing predisposes to pathological changes as well. The ability to  adapt to stressful conditions also reduces. Usually at this age patients may be suffering from one or the other conditions such as diabetes, cardiac  disease. As they are already suffering from an ailment the patient should discuss with the dentist before undergoing dental treatment. There are conditions that may influence the dental care. The patient should tell about the condition he is suffering from, medication which he is taking . As the drugs prescribed by dental professional should  not interact and produce any effects.There are newer methods for oral rehabilitation such as dental implants which may provide the patient with better results as compared to removable prosthesis.                                                       
  •  2 . Communication between patient and  doctor should be there so as to have good relationship with each other. Each patient which goes for treatment should provide the doctor with  information of medical history. This can be in a form of verbal /nonverbal  exchange of information. This verbal  communication will help  to reduce or eliminate  incidence of fear, anxiety  a nd phobia. Fear is defensive response  to actual threat. Fear in the dental clinic may be for pain,needle,extraction,surgery,sight of blood , sight of instruments etc. If there is good rapport with the doctor then patients are less fearful during the procedure and therefore less chances of anxiety related complications.‪#‎carepatients‬ ‪#‎Dental‬ ‪#‎Tourism‬ #32teeths.com ‪#‎healthcare‬ ‪#‎dentalchain‬‪#‎dentalImplant‬ ‪#‎bottox‬ ‪#‎toothextraction‬ ‪#‎toothPain‬

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Healthy Mouth

What is a healthy mouth?
It is a mouth  which is free from bleeding, crowding  of teeth, pockets , inflammation,infection, bad breath, missing teeth, pain, tooth decay.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Bad Breath

Bad Breath - Many patients suffer from bad breath. The patients who realise that they have halitosis, do not feel comfortable when speaking to someone. There are various reasons for bad odour from mouth. It could be related to the type of food which we eat, such as food with intense odour e.g onion, garlic. Sometimes it could be due to alcohol, smoking, tobacco. Other reasons are poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis, sinusitis & throat infection, patients with diseases such as diabetes, keto acidosis condition, liver disease, kidney disease, lung infection, dehydrated patients and dry mouth( xerostomia) .Dry mouth is usually seen in patients who are mouth breathers, on medications, salivary gland diseases, patients who have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy.
It is advised that patients should seek an appointment with dental professional to find the causative factor and get rid of bad odour .
It is advised that after your meal you should do brushing and flossing of your teeth. Use of mouth wash can also help in reducing odour from mouth. As food is lodged in between teeth there is increase in the bacterial count, release of toxins which can lead to bad odour.
Always brush two times daily.
Tongue surface should also be kept clean by brushing. Use floss,interdental brush to remove food lodged between the teeth. Those who wear dentures, they should remove the denture at night and denture should be cleaned with brush regularly.
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Thursday 21 July 2016

Bad Breath

 Many  patients  suffer from bad breath. The patients  who realise that they have halitosis, do not feel comfortable when speaking  to someone. There are various  reasons  for  bad odour  from mouth. It could  be related  to the  type  of food  which  we eat, such as food with intense  odour  e.g onion, garlic. Sometimes  it could be due to alcohol, smoking, tobacco. Other reasons are poor  oral  hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis, sinusitis & throat  infection, patients  with diseases  such as diabetes, keto acidosis condition, liver disease, kidney disease, lung infection,  dehydrated  patients and dry mouth( xerostomia) .Dry mouth is usually seen in patients who are mouth breathers, on medications, salivary gland diseases, patients  who have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy.
It is advised that patients  should seek an appointment  with dental professional to find the causative factor and get rid of bad odour .
It is advised  that  after your meal you should do brushing and flossing of your teeth. Use of mouth  wash can also help in reducing odour  from mouth. As food is lodged in between teeth there is increase in the bacterial count, release of toxins  which can lead to bad odour.
Always brush two times daily.

Tongue  surface should also be kept clean by brushing. Use floss,interdental brush to remove food lodged between  the teeth. Those who wear dentures, they should  remove the denture  at night and denture should  be cleaned with brush regularly.
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