Thursday 21 July 2016

Bad Breath

 Many  patients  suffer from bad breath. The patients  who realise that they have halitosis, do not feel comfortable when speaking  to someone. There are various  reasons  for  bad odour  from mouth. It could  be related  to the  type  of food  which  we eat, such as food with intense  odour  e.g onion, garlic. Sometimes  it could be due to alcohol, smoking, tobacco. Other reasons are poor  oral  hygiene, gingivitis, periodontitis, sinusitis & throat  infection, patients  with diseases  such as diabetes, keto acidosis condition, liver disease, kidney disease, lung infection,  dehydrated  patients and dry mouth( xerostomia) .Dry mouth is usually seen in patients who are mouth breathers, on medications, salivary gland diseases, patients  who have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy.
It is advised that patients  should seek an appointment  with dental professional to find the causative factor and get rid of bad odour .
It is advised  that  after your meal you should do brushing and flossing of your teeth. Use of mouth  wash can also help in reducing odour  from mouth. As food is lodged in between teeth there is increase in the bacterial count, release of toxins  which can lead to bad odour.
Always brush two times daily.

Tongue  surface should also be kept clean by brushing. Use floss,interdental brush to remove food lodged between  the teeth. Those who wear dentures, they should  remove the denture  at night and denture should  be cleaned with brush regularly.
#dental #dentaltreatment #32teeths #rootcanaltreatment #filling 

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